Belt Test - August 29, 1998
So here are the photos. First the green belts. And by the way, let the contest
begin. I took the photos that have dates in the lower right hand corner. Alex took
the ones without dates. Send me an email with your vote for the best shots.
Brown Belts. Here is Alex's cousin Will. We both got the same shot. (I think I
framed it better.) The simplest tip to improve your photos is to MOVE YOUR FEET AND GET
CLOSER. (Alex and I are both using equivalent lenses. I just zoomed in more.)
Alex and I tag teamed this one. He was to get him in the air and I was to get the
break. Alex was a little too early and I was way too late.
I can't tell if Alex and I got the same shot here. His timing may have been just a
little better.(He also did a nice job framing the photo, as I cut off Mr. Hine's leg.)
At this point, I ran out of film. I thought I was using a 36 exposure roll, but
it turned out to only have 24. So Alex took it home alone.
Check out Alex's shots of his friend Jimmy. Great frame in the first shot.
The hammer fist is impossible to time properly. Great shot Alex.
Alex's last shot is a beauty. Notice how well he framed it. (That's my boy!)
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