UTD Awards Banquet Sunday April 24, 2016  - Photos by Doug Fejer   Page 1
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos)    You can ORDER PRINTS & ENLARGEMENTS THROUGH UTD ATHLETICS.
  All proceeds to UTD Athletics.

Had a photographer malfunction today as a never used switch on my camera was set to manual focus instead of autofocus. Have no idea how it was moved over. So any of these shots that are in focus are the result of pure luck.

Must say I was quite upset with myself over this camera mishap. When this kind of stuff happens I always think of the poor Delta pilot who in the late 1970's took off from Detroit Metro Airport with his flaps set in the wrong position. Everybody on board except an infant was killed. (Including a friend of one of my roommates at Michigan State.) So today I had my flaps set wrong but nobody was killed. But I am still mad at myself.

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