UT-D Softball vs. Ozarks - Friday March 17, 2006     Page 1
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos)
(These photos are best viewed with the monitor set to 1,280x1024)*

Doug got a call cancelling his Friday meeting at 1:30. It would have lasted all afternoon. SOOOOOOO,  it is great to be back outside taking photos. And, photographers like nothing better than overcast skies. No harsh glare and no shadows.

(Working for a living really does get in the way of my lifestyle. I don't recommend it.)

Also, check out what Doug was doing last week. Doug took his family on a trip for spring break.  http://www.douglasfejer.com/2006/Family/2006-03-09/01/index.html


Yup, she made the catch.

"That really was a nice catch. Think he'll put the photo of your catch on his UTD webpage??????"

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*Also, if using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Go to "tools: internet options: Advanced: Multimedia" -
 Check the box "enable automatic image resizing."