Summer 2005 Trip to Orlando                           Page 2
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos)
(These photos are best viewed with the monitor set to 1,280x1024)*

2005-06-06-151.jpg (101622 bytes) 2005-06-06-161.jpg (97199 bytes) 2005-06-06-165.jpg (96629 bytes)

2005-06-06-168.jpg (98348 bytes) 2005-06-06-173.jpg (99649 bytes) 2005-06-06-175.jpg (76742 bytes)

2005-06-06-185.jpg (99382 bytes) 2005-06-06-185.jpg (99382 bytes) 2005-06-06-191.jpg (131501 bytes)

2005-06-06-199.jpg (127156 bytes) 

Here. let me give you this dead fish before Lesia eats it.
2005-06-06-200.jpg (134101 bytes)

 2005-06-06-206.jpg (95212 bytes) 2005-06-06-217.jpg (106124 bytes) 2005-06-06-219.jpg (78046 bytes)

2005-06-06-220.jpg (62821 bytes) 

Oh, now isn't that special.
2005-06-06-221.jpg (78142 bytes)

2005-06-06-230.jpg (112961 bytes) 

Calm before the storm on Fear Factor Live!
2005-06-06-233.jpg (77910 bytes)

The contestants from Dallas. Will they really eat that @#$%^?
2005-06-06-237.jpg (71887 bytes)

It looks a little nasty.
2005-06-06-241.jpg (58759 bytes)

2005-06-06-245.jpg (51229 bytes) 2005-06-06-247.jpg (63382 bytes) 2005-06-06-249.jpg (77271 bytes)

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