Texas Assault @ Houston Cross Court Sunday March 14, 2004            Page 1
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos)
(These photos are best viewed with the monitor set to 1,280x1024)*
This photo is just screaming for a comment. Please send me an email with your suggestions and I will post them all.
2004-03-14-005.jpg (147462 bytes)
"HBO welcomes you to an all new season of the Sopranos."

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2004-03-14-057.jpg (129010 bytes) 2004-03-14-058.jpg (149975 bytes) 

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2004-03-14-096.jpg (127705 bytes) 2004-03-14-102.jpg (114843 bytes) 

Come on girls, how can you score a point if you are all taking a nap??????
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2004-03-14-138.jpg (155286 bytes) 2004-03-14-141.jpg (145722 bytes) 2004-03-14-145.jpg (124879 bytes)

2004-03-14-146.jpg (136014 bytes) 2004-03-14-147.jpg (88840 bytes)
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 Check the box "enable automatic image resizing."