89 Sting v Longhorns  Sunday March 16, 2004    Page 3
(Double-click on the individual thumbnails to see the full-size photos)
(These photos are best viewed with the monitor set to 1,280x1024)*

2004-05-16-202.jpg (90321 bytes) 2004-05-16-203.jpg (126655 bytes) 2004-05-16-204.jpg (131755 bytes)

2004-05-16-205.jpg (143195 bytes) 2004-05-16-206.jpg (159383 bytes) 2004-05-16-207.jpg (134442 bytes) 2004-05-16-208.jpg (82331 bytes)

2004-05-16-209.jpg (163487 bytes) 2004-05-16-211.jpg (106143 bytes) 2004-05-16-217.jpg (100129 bytes)

Here is a shot of a psychic using her magical powers to hold a soccer ball in the air.
2004-05-16-218.jpg (88114 bytes)
(Pssst. She's not really psychic)

Not a bad keeper shot.
2004-05-16-225.jpg (209173 bytes) 2004-05-16-226.jpg (162271 bytes) 

2004-05-16-228.jpg (84079 bytes) 2004-05-16-229.jpg (108886 bytes) 2004-05-16-230.jpg (91397 bytes)

You could put these two on the refrigerator.
2004-05-16-231.jpg (95827 bytes)
2004-05-16-232.jpg (127360 bytes) 
(These are actually my favorite types of shot. Very difficult to isolate a player with the ball, pretty grass, and nothing in the background. No other players,  no refs, no bald soccer dads with beer bellies, no porta-potties. The shots almost appear to have been posed.)

2004-05-16-233.jpg (89994 bytes) 2004-05-16-235.jpg (111374 bytes) 2004-05-16-236.jpg (94434 bytes)

2004-05-16-239.jpg (108420 bytes) 2004-05-16-240.jpg (81174 bytes) 2004-05-16-248.jpg (121603 bytes)

2004-05-16-249.jpg (91497 bytes) 2004-05-16-251.jpg (59979 bytes) 2004-05-16-252.jpg (73092 bytes)

2004-05-16-255.jpg (87320 bytes) 2004-05-16-256.jpg (84669 bytes) 2004-05-16-260.jpg (130983 bytes)

2004-05-16-262.jpg (86800 bytes)
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*Also, if using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Go to "tools: internet options: Advanced: Multimedia" -
 Check the box "enable automatic image resizing."