Shepton B
v Vines B Thursday October 23, 2003
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(Double-click on the individual
thumbnails to see the full-size photos)
(These photos are best viewed with the monitor set to 1,280x1024)*
This shot demonstrates the beauty of light for a photographer. In daylight I
am able to shoot at 1/800 second shutter speed and I am able to close the lens
to get more depth. (more depth = more stuff is in focus, i.e. stuff at different
distances is all in focus.) Note how the ball is frozen in the air and not
fuzzy. Ain't going to happen in a night games where the lens is wide open (no
depth) and my shutter speed is limited by the camera to 1/180 second.
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Shepton Football Photos
*Also, if using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Go to "tools: internet
options: Advanced: Multimedia" -
Check the box "enable automatic image resizing."